So, does that mean motorcycles will be going electric? It is quite possible
That all depends, there are positives and negatives (of course) of anything new over something old. The internal combustion engine has been around for more than 100 years. We have pretty much done everything we can with the basic design. The biggest reason we haven't "evolved" to another type of engine (electric/hydrogen/ect) is money (or the loss of) from the oil companies. Oil (as if you didn't know already) companies make Billions of dollars an hour worldwide, they don't want to give that up.
Electric engines offer advantages that could never be offered by an Internal Combustion engine such as:
- There is almost no noise at all.
- No vibration at all.
- Total Linear power availability.
- Zero moving parts.
Imageing cruising down the road, all you hear if the sounds around you, the wind on your face and nothing disturbing that. Not even virbration gets in the way (at any speed) of this feeling that is like flying. With a twist of the throttle you can go from 0 to 100mph in one gear if you want to with no hesitation, stuttering or loss of power anywhere, a perfect power curve.
As with the horse and buggie, we will all be sad to see them go. The Film camera industry is going though the same drastic change with Digital camera's. I own 9 professional SLR film cameras and don't want a Digital, I enjoy film and the process of taking a photo on film. To me that is what photography is all about and I don't want to change to digital at all. Some of you will be in the same boat when it is time for the internal combustion engine to leave the motorcycle and electric engines are all the rage. For you, you should hang on to those old outdated motorcycles then and enjoy it while you can. Personally I dread the day a roll of film costs $20 and developing is scarce, and you have to drive 20 miles out of the way to find it... But that is life and on a positive note, the world didn't end when we gave up a real horse for the iron horse (car)
The Distant Future..

Unfortunately, I don't know who made this image in photoshop, but it gives a good idea what a "retro" hover bike might just look like!
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