Friday, October 16, 2009

Forex Trading Currency Online

Things You Should Know About Forex Trading
How difficult is it to make money trading the Forex market? How much time does it take to actually be able to make a living trading the Forex market? These and other important aspects of trading are to be discussed in this article.
Trading the Forex market has many benefits over other financial markets, among the most important are: superior liquidity, 24hrs market, better execution, and others.
Traders and investor see the Forex market as a new speculation or diversifying opportunity because of these benefits. Does this mean that it is easy to make money trading the Forex Market? Not at all.
Forex brokers agree that 90% of traders end up losing money, 5% of traders end up at break even and only 5% of them achieve consistent profitable results. With these statistics shown, I don’t consider trading to be an easy task. But, is it harder to master any other endeavor? I don’t think so, consider musicians, writers, or even other businesses, the success rates are about the same, there are a whole bunch of them who never got to the top.
Now that we know it is not easy to achieve consistent profitable results, a must question would be, Why is it that some traders succeed while others fail to trade successfully in the Forex market? There is no hard answer to this question, or a recipe to follow to achieve consistent profitable results. What we do know is that traders that reach the top think different. That’s right, they don’t follow the crowd, they are an independent part of the crowd.
A few things that separate the top traders from the rest are:
Education : They are very well educated in the matter; they have chosen to learn every single and important aspect of trading. The best traders know that every trade is a learning experience. They approach the Forex market with humility, otherwise the market will prove them wrong.
Forex trading system : Top traders have a Forex trading system. They have the discipline to follow it rigorously, because they know that only the trades that are signaled by their system have a greater rate of success.
Price behavior : They have incorporated price behavior into their trading systems. They know price action has the last word.
Trading psychology : They are aware of every psychological issue that affects the decisions made by traders. They have accepted the fact that every individual trade has two probable outcomes, not just the winning side.
Money management : Avoiding the risk of ruin is a primary subject to the best traders. After all, you cannot succeed without funds in your trading account.
These are, among others, the most important factors that influence the success rate of Forex traders.
We know now that it is not easy to make money trading the Forex market, but it is possible. We also discussed the most important factors that influence the rate of success of Forex traders. But, how much time does it take to have consistent profitable results?
It is different from trader to trader. For some, it could take a life time, and still don’t get the desired results, for some others, a few years are enough to get consistent profitable results. The answer to this question may vary, but what I want to make clear here is that trading successfully is a process, it’s not something you can do in a short period of time.

Speculative commodity

THERE IS no harm in following the path of fast runners and movers unless one has to take care about one’s own requirements and strengths coupled with weaknesses. See, whether there is any real need for Indian economy to have such a speculative Commodity Market Model in current scenario. Today, this is not only harming the interest of a common man but also making it a tough job for the Government to get the prices of all essential commodities under a check.

Excuses are many. But who are to be blamed at a first hand should be analysed. What Indian policy makers and intellectuals had in question while inching towards the economic system of Western economies, especially USA or say capitalist economy system, is not clear even after a journey of about two decades of economic reforms.

On industrial front, there have been more acquisitions on foreign lands in last five years than any big establishments within the country by Indian private sector corporate giant. The country has merely turned into a marketing hub for products or services provided by foreign companies. Tele-callers’ centres and BPOs were emerged among the majority job providers. Here, the basic question is what went wrong to that industrialisation spree, which gathered momentum in early 90s? Just in ten years, India’s many industrial units turned into marketing agents for the products and services of so called multinational companies. In absence of any strong industrial base, how can one get assured a sustainable job security within the country?

In the name of economic reforms, the country has got a prize of new field for new generation to work ie capital market or rather say money market. Besides stock market, this includes bullion market, forex market and a big name also joined in recent years, is commodity market.

As far as stock market activities were concerned, it could be justified to some extent, mainly on the grounds of industrialisation. To establish any industrial unit, there is a requirement of huge finances. That finances can be in the shape of equity or debts. As majority Indians were having a habit to keep their funds more safely in home lockers than in banks, debts always be a costly affairs for Indian Industries. Stock market came as a ready blood bank for such industries’ those had an efficiency to do miracles with available funds. Over the years, stock markets had also won the confidence of investors.

However, if one moved back to early nineties, the experience for hard-earned money savers was not any good. In the name of economic reforms and irrespective to its repercussions at medium run, the stock market activities had stolen all supports from Government. Suddenly, the stock market activities saw a big support and turned to a golden hen for all tom-dick-Harry. The act without homework was ultimately resulted into a multi-thousand crores financial-cum-stock market scam. As it was not a normal practice in India, our policy makers justified it as a first hand economic reform experience.

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